Stick Drop Test
Purpose – To measure the
reaction time as to how fast a person can respond to a stimulus, the higher
your score, the faster your reaction time
Ruler or stick of
24 inches long
Arm chair or table
and chair
For the Student:
Sit in an armchair
or chair next to the table so that your elbow and the lower arm rest on the
desk/table comfortably.
The heel of your
hand should rest on the desk/table so that only the fingers and thumb extend
beyond the edge of the desk/table.
As the tester drop
the stick, catch it with thumb and index finger as fast as possible without
lifting elbow from the desk. It is important that you react only to the
dropping of the stick.
Your score is the
number of inches read on the ruler/stick just above the thumb and index finger
after you catch the yardstick.
For the Tester:
a. Hold the ruler or stick at the top, allowing it to dangle between
thumb and fingers of the student.
b. The ruler/stick should be held so that the 24-inch mark is even with
your thumb and index finger. No part of
the hand of the student should touch the ruler/stick.
c. Without warning, drop the stick, and let the student catch it with his
thumb and index finger.
d. Give the test three times. Be
careful not to drop the stick at predictable time intervals, so that the
student cannot guess when it will be dropped.
Scoring - Record the middle
of your three scores (for example: if you scores are 21, 18, and 19, your
middle score is 19).
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